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1650 Pinehurst Rd
Dunedin, FL 34698
Worship Service: Sundays, 10:30 a.m.

Anam Cara
Women's Circle
Monday Night At the Movies
Let’s all go to the lobby...
,,, of Faith UCC!
Easter Monday evening, April 10, at 7pm, Anam Cara will be presenting an Encore performance, by popular demand, of the ACWC adapted Lily Tomlin Broadway show, The Search for Signs of Intelligent Life in the Universe.
Refreshments will be served. There will be a free will offering for the Labyrinth Fund.
This show will also be presented simultaneously on Zoom.
The Zoom ‘Lobby’ will be open for check in starting at 6:30pm.
Here is the Zoom link….
Meeting ID: 850 3816 2776

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